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Using longitudinal data across eight years, this study examined how parents' familism values in early adolescence predicted youths' depressive symptoms in young adulthood via youths' familism values and family time. We examined these processes among 246 Mexican‐origin families using interview and phone‐diary data. Findings revealed that fathers' familism values predicted male and female youths' familism values in middle adolescence. For female youth only, fathers' familism values also predicted youths' family time in late adolescence. The link between family time and young adults' depressive symptoms depended on parental acceptance and adolescent gender: Among female and male youth, family time predicted fewer depressive symptoms, but only when paternal acceptance was high. For female adolescents only, family time predicted fewer depressive symptoms when maternal acceptance was high but more depressive symptoms when maternal acceptance was low. Findings highlight family dynamics as the mechanisms through which familism values have implications for youths' adjustment.  相似文献   
给读者提供平等的信息服务是现代图书馆首要的核心理念。现代网络信息技术恰好为个性化服务提供了方便。个性化服务需要图书馆员付出许多特殊的劳动,为保持服务平等性的纯洁,可采取适当对其提供了特殊服务的读者用服务收费的办法来实现平等服务的宗旨,以取得与普通读者平等的待遇,从而实现平等服务和个性化服务的两全其美。  相似文献   
社会主义意识形态研究,是关系党和国家事业全局的重大问题,也是学术界关注的重点。近年来,学术界在马克思的意识形态思想研究、对列宁意识形态理论的总体把握、社会主义核心价值体系研究、社会主义意识形态建设的创新性研究等方面,取得了显著成绩。但某些基本问题仍有继续探讨的空间:学术界还缺乏对"社会主义意识形态"内涵的清晰界定,缺少对关键问题和基础性问题的深度思考。  相似文献   
社会主义法治理念是检察文化建设的根本指针,检察文化是社会主义法治理念的有效载体,两者互为依存,相互促进。社会主义法治理念在检察工作中深化与拓展的最终归宿是:符合社会主义法治理念核心要求的检察文化的形成。社会主义法治理念在检察工作中深化与拓展的基本路径是通过检察文化建设实现司法理念从宏观层面向微观层面的转化,即打击犯罪与保障人权相统一、程序正义与实体正义相统一、协作与监督相统一、法律效果与社会效果相统一、案件数量与案件质量相统一。  相似文献   
The present article is based on a small-scale research that took place with third-year students in the department of social work at Technological Educational Institute of Patras. During class the students, who undertake the laboratory course ‘Social Work with Families’, were asked to discuss family roles and depict them on drawings. Analysing their drawings in a qualitative approach the findings suggest that students adopt traditional views on family issues and the family roles. Various gender stereotypes and prejudices were reflected in students' drawings and this is alarming for both social work education and practice.  相似文献   
In this study we examined children's self‐efficacy, outcome expectations, and outcome values in relation to bystander responses in bullying situations. We proposed that beyond the effect of self‐efficacy, the decision to defend the victim of bullying vs. remain passive vs. reinforce the bully depends on outcomes children expect from defending, and on the value they place on these outcomes. Our sample consisted of 6397 Finnish children (3232 girls and 3165 boys) from third, fourth, and fifth grades (mean ages 9–11 years). Results showed that the motivational underpinnings of defending the victim, remaining passive, and reinforcing the bully varied. Defending was associated with the expectation that the victim feels better as a result of defending as well as valuing such an outcome. Reinforcement of bullying was associated with negative expectations and not caring about the positive outcomes. Conflicting expectations and values were linked to remaining passive. Results are discussed in terms of their implications for anti‐bullying interventions.  相似文献   
核心能力是企业实现可持续发展的基本保证,是企业在长期生产经营过程中的知识积累和特殊的技能以及相关的资源组合成的一个综合体系,是企业独具的一种能力。西藏上市公司要实现可持续发展,必须加强核心能力建设。  相似文献   
马克思恩格斯在《费尔巴哈》中提出的"共同活动方式就是生产力"的命题不仅是马克思共同实践思想的重要内容,也是唯物史观的基本观点。但这一重要思想却被学界长期忽视。什么是"共同的"活动方式?如何认识"共同的"实践活动?这些基本问题对于全面深入理解马克思的普遍价值思想是十分重要的。在马克思自己的诸多著作中,马克思反复强调指出人的感性活动即实践是"共同的",即人的实践具有"共同性"。这种"共同的"实践内容应包括现实世界实践关系的共同性、人类生产生活的共同性、人的形而上存在的共同性,以及人的世界性和历史性的存在的共同性。明确实践活动的共同性也就是肯定实践法则具有共同性。马克思的"共同实践"思想为普遍价值奠定了基础。是对传统哲学关于抽象的理性或感性共同性的彻底翻转。通过理解"共同实践"可以在理论和实践上加深对普遍价值的认识,可以树立真正的"普遍价值观",抵制"普世价值",反思将价值问题狭隘化或绝对化。  相似文献   
社会主义核心价值体系建设需着力解决在多元的价值体系中如何获得普遍性认同问题,难点在于张扬的个体价值对于社会价值与他人价值的遮蔽以及道德知识、情感与行动三者彼此间的鸿沟。在对价值同一性的历史建构过程的梳理中可以看出价值认同的消解与重组难以避免,在个性自由意义上的差异成为了价值本体的时候,合理体现异同的辩证统一的机制是价值认同的关键进路。社会主义核心价值增强普遍性认同的对策包括推动合理的伦理实体复归,"自主个人"和"真实集体"以及工具价值与终极价值之间的平衡,以及培养道德情感与促进道德践行。  相似文献   
近年来,随着计算机语言学和语料库语言学的发展,一些研究者开始把语料库语言学的研究方法和技术手段引入英语词汇教学的研究和实践。分析英语词汇教学的研究现状,探讨基于语料库词汇教学的理据。从词频统计分析、词语搭配、语义韵律和词语辨析等方面探讨语料库在大学英语词汇教学中的应用价值。  相似文献   
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